After you send some links, the form might lock while we work on them.
Close your browser and open it again. Log in with the most recent login link we sent to your email. This will unlock the form.
Once you've sent all your links, the form locks while we make your report for the month.
Nothing to do! Just wait for the report. A new form will be ready in about 1-2 days after you receive your monthly report.
During report making time, the form is locked.
For example, If your plan renews on the 22nd, the form will unlock by the 24th after you receive your monthly report.
You can submit as many competitors as you need, and even just one is enough. You can downgrade your plan (minimum is 3) anytime to fit your needs.
You can only send the number of links included in your plan. Need to send more? Please upgrade your plan or contact us for a custom solution.
No! By default, we use the same list, but you can change them anytime based on your needs.
No! We always get new info to keep everything fresh and up-to-date.
Absolutely! You can submit any mix of competitors to fit your needs.
This guide is intended to provide general guidance only. It does not guarantee correct implementation, as each case may vary. Due to the many factors involved, we make no guarantees or promises that following the methods outlined will improve your website’s visibility, traffic volume, or position in any search engines.