We provide a simple two-step process detailed when you place your order. Guide: Identifying Competitors in Organic Search. Additionally, for a small fee, one of our dedicated support team members can prepare this information for you.
If you're starting with a new website, it's crucial to gain insights from your competitors when creating your content and meta tags. You can start with your main search term and analyze the top 3 competitors in your area. For those already established, the Pro package is ideal, allowing you to track up to 5 search terms and follow 2 competitors per keyword, or customize it to fit your needs.
The price per competition in a package includes a full data sheet report containing the meta title, meta description, H1 title, content extract of the page, and prominent backlinks. The monthly cost is calculated based on the number of competitors analyzed.
Our system queues the searches and balances them with ongoing monthly reporting transactions. Typically, the first report is delivered on the same day it is started, with subsequent reports arriving on your monthly reporting day, +/- 1 day.
Yes, you can place another order, or contact us for a custom plan if you need more than 10 competitors analyzed.
We offer immediate credit, no questions asked, once our technicians verify that we did not deliver the report for a given month. If the report was delivered but there was an issue with your email, we may consider a compensatory credit for the number of competitors in the package, allowing you to use it separately as a one-time run.
If you cancel before the report is sent to your email, you will receive a refund for that month's payment. You can also cancel the service to prevent further charges.
Yes, we do not allow any illegal activities, including but not limited to pornography, terrorism, criminal activity, cybercrime, or malicious intentions. We may notify the appropriate authorities if such requests are detected by our system.
Yes, because your competitors are typically the websites on the top positions on the first page for your search terms. While these positions don’t change daily, a monthly check can reveal new competitors or shifts in rankings. For intensive SEO campaigns, more frequent checks may be advisable. Contact us for a custom plan.
Each report includes detailed explanations on how to use the data effectively, and additional guidance is available on our website.
Unfortunately, the answer is no. However, don't worry! If you need help, we can connect you with our reliable SEO expert affiliates. Please contact us before making a purchase.
We are currently developing and testing several new features. Please check our vision page for updates.